What is gingivitis, and is it different from periodontitis?

Gingivitis is an infection of the gum and an inflammation. The difference between gingivitis and periodontitis is that periodontitis is the infection and the inflammation of the bone that is underneath the gum.

What are the first symptoms of gingivitis?

The first symptoms of gingivitis is bleeding. So when you're going to be flossing, you're going to be bleeding. Once you see blood in your gums, you have infection and inflammation of the gum.

How dangerous is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is dangerous because you have an infection that, like any other infection in your body, you have to take care of. Your body is just fighting against an infection that you should be able to remove. Also, you have bacteria that you're swallowing and all those bacteria can go and they can stay in your heart and it's going to affect your overall health.

Can you have gingivitis and periodontitis at the same time?

You can have gingivitis and periodontitis at the same time, of course. The infection of the gum that was never cured, will lead to infect the bone underneath and the bone when it's infected and inflamed, it starts shrinking so you're going to lose bone if you have periodontitis that you don't take care of.

How do dentists treat gingivitis?

Gingivitis is treated with professional cleanings in your dental office and you have a good flossing and brushing technique.

How long does it take to cure gingivitis?

Gingivitis is easy to cure as long as you follow the indications of your dentist, you will follow a good regimen of cleaning your teeth, brushing and flossing.

When should I schedule a dental appointment if I suspect I may have gingivitis?

You should schedule a dental appointment as soon as you see that your gums are bleeding.

What should I do if I'm ready to take action against gingivitis?

If you're ready to take action, please give us a call at (954) 475-9455.

How do I know I have gingivitis?

You will know you have gingivitis when you see blood while brushing or spitting.

What are some common causes of gingivitis?

The common causes of gingivitis are lack of professional cleanings, poor brushing technique, and not flossing.

What problems can gingivitis cause if it's not treated?

If gingivitis is not treated, the infection and inflammation of the gum can affect the bone. It can lead to bone loss.

How long does it take to treat gingivitis?

Gingivitis is easy to treat as long as you undergo professional cleanings and have a good technique of brushing and flossing.

What treatment options are available for gingivitis?

The treatment options for gingivitis include professional cleaning, irrigation at your dentist, and maintaining good brushing and flossing habits at home.

How can I schedule a dental exam?

If you are ready to take care of your gingivitis, you can schedule a dental exam by giving us a call at (954) 475-9455. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to make an appointment.